
For Researchers

The Edge of Appalachia Preserve's immense diversity makes it an outstanding place for scientific research. The Preserve is part of the eastern forest, boasts many small prairie openings, and hosts many rare species of plants and animals.

For over 40 years, the Edge has had an active field research program. Science projects have included a wide range of topics from basic research to applied research and have been conducted by a diverse field of scientists including college professors, master's students, and experts from governmental institutions.

Here are just a few examples of past projects:

Dr. Jessica Wooten, Centre College
Investigating the phylogeographic and population genetic patterning of the Green Salamander, Aneides aeneus in the eastern United States with potential taxonomic implications
In progress, 2015 to present

Ryan O’Connor & Dr. Gary Ritchison, Eastern Kentucky University
Notes on the incubation, brooding, and provisioning behavior
of Chuck-will’s-widows
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology Vol. 125, No. 4, December 2013

Stephen F. Matter, Francisco Borrero & Cody Fleece
Modeling the survival and population growth of the
freshwater mussel, Lampsilis radiata luteola
The American Midland Naturalist, 169(1):122-136. 2013.

Ken M. Fritz, Elisabeth Hagenbuch, Ellen D’Amico, Molly Reif, Parker J. Wigington, Jr.,
Scott G. Leibowitz, Randy L. Comeleo, Joseph L. Ebersole, and Tracie-Lynn Nadeau2
Comparing the extent and permanence of headwater streams from two field surveys to values from hydrographic databases and maps
Paper No. JAWRA-12-0140-P of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA). Received June 12, 2012; accepted January 04, 2013.

Samantha Davis, Wright State University
Selection and larval success of the West Virginia White Butterfly (Pieris virginiensis) and native host plants against the invasive plant Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) and to pursue conservation plans and habitat needs
Unpublished. April 2012

Guy N. Cameron, Theresa Culley, Arnold Miller, David Lentz, Ken Hinkel, Lin Liu, George Uetz, Eric Maurer, Robert Frohn,  Richard Beck, Suzanna Tong
The nature of urban sustainability: understanding the effects of urbanization on natural ecosystem function 
Unpublished January 2008

For more information and access to the Edge's research guidelines, please contact Preserve Manager Chris Bedel at (973)544-2880 ext. 11 or at

Juniper Hairstreak butterfly
Callophrys gryneus gryneus